A Prayer for Black History Month
Compassionate God,who sent Jesus Christ to deliver us from all manner of injustices and inequalities,create in us new hearts and enlarged visions,to see the image of God in every personirrespective of background, race and ethnicity. May we be generous in our love of...
St Mary’s Cycle of Prayer 2023
Intercessions for National Day of Remembrance 23rd March 2021
An Act of Prayer to use at home on National Day of Remembrance 23rd March 2021
Cycle of Prayer 2021
Intercessions 22nd November 2020 (KN)
Intercessions 4th October 2020 (KN)
Intercessions Sunday 6th September 2020 (KN)
Intercessions 2nd August 8th Sunday after Trinity (KN)
Church open for private prayer 9:30 – 3:30 and Sunday Worship 9:00am
We are very pleased to inform you that St Mary's Church will be open for private prayer from Monday 15th June. It will be open from 9:30am - 3:30pm each day. Please use the hand sanitiser on the way in and out, follow the one-way system and practise social distancing...